Eté d'Amour 2011
Another of the city’s seasonal gigs, the weekly floating club l’Eté d’Amour, returns for the summer, opening tomorrow with DJ Gilb’R, Get A Room and Alexis Le Tan on the decks. The week after, the 15 June, there’s the launch of electro graphic novel Chant de la Machine, prefaced by Daft Punk, with DJ Mehdi, Romain BNO & P-Wax. Still run by the Respect crew, the weekly party is now taking place on the Café Barge, a boat on the Seine docked under the Gare de Lyon.
Every Wed till Sep from 8 June, 6pm-2am. Free entry.
Le Café Barge, 5 Port de la Rapée, 12th.
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