HENRIK VIBSKOV AT THE GALERIE DES GALERIES2013-02-282014-06-18http://www.gogocityguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/logo_slogan_dark_header_2mini.pngGogo City Guideshttp://www.gogocityguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/logo_slogan_dark_header_2mini.png200px200px
A multi-faceted creator, Danish fashion designer Henrik Vibskov likes to dance between poetry, graphic art, humour and fantasy. The title of his solo show that just opened at the gallery inside the Galeries Lafayette is a play on words between the latin motto nec plus ultra, meaning “nothing more beyond” and the word neck as a straight anatomical reference. The word neck is also part of Vibskov’s A/W 2013 collection ‘The Stiff Neck Chamber’ (presented in Paris on 17 Jan, 2013). With a poetic, playful and strange tone, he introduces us to what inspires and influences him and builds a personal atmosphere the visitor can dive in to, across the visual, audio, and tactile senses. You will go from a stiff neck chamber consisting of bird necks hanging down from the ceiling to a hypnotic walk through spinning tunnels.
Until Sat 4 May. 11am-7pm. Closed Sun, Mon.
La Galerie des Galeries, 1st floor, Galeries Lafayette, 40 bd Haussmann, 9th. www.galeriedesgaleries.com