Le Fooding in New York City, yeah!
Paris’s 21st-century riposte to the Michelin guide, Le Fooding was (I’ll let them tell the story): “born in 2000. In Paris. On the seventh floor of Radio Nova, in the rush to meet an article deadline. ‘Food’ + ‘ing’ to make food rhyme with feeling… A barbaric gerund in English. An outrage in French. A total bomb. Or a stroke of luck, given how hard it is to get everyone to agree…”
Now, LE FOODING IS IN NEW YORK, at PS1 this Fri 25 & Sat 26 Sep, with:
12 chefs, three mixologists, two butchers, one ice-cream maker, two DJs, 15 graphic designers, a select vintner, a fine Champagne, some fromages and a mystery guest, to feast your senses and do some conscious good.
We don’t know what that actually means, but we’re sure it’ll be very, very good, and you can book your tickets on www.lefoodingdamour.com.
Le Fooding will be making sure you understand that:
“France is actually home to countless up-to-date chefs. They just don’t get mentioned enough. The media are too dazzled by the glittering stars. The fact is that bourgeois cuisine is no longer France’s daily bread. Techo-cuisine never will be. In Paris, the gourmands are devouring the gourmets. Our favorite chefs are not celebrity chefs. Their photos aren’t printed on packs of vacuum-sealed ham. So where do you find these oh-so-Parisian luxuries? In their restaurants, their bistros? Such hodgepodge words! No, in their kitchens. They’re frequently French, most certainly Parisian, and always authors, of course.
Free as birds in the air. Because you need air to fly in the face of convention. And to keep the flag flying high.”…