For the third year running, the luxury hotel Le Meurice presents its art prize, which aims to help promote the French contemporary scene internationally. The prestigious jury, which includes the directors of the Louvre, the Jeu de Paume, the FIAC, the Palais de Tokyo, and Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, has just made public their short list of 7 artists, including their Paris gallery, in the running for the prize, 10,000€ for the artist and the gallery, which will be announced on 11 October.
Air de Paris – Ingrid Luche
Bugada & Cargnel – Wilfrid Almendra
Chez Valentin – Eric Baudart
Galerie Claudine Papillon – Thierry Mouillé
Galerie Vallois – Julien Berthier
JTM Gallery – Bertrand Planes
Jousse Entreprise – Ariane Michel
Galerie Xippas – Dominique Blais
‘Love, Love’, 2007 © Julien Berthier