Néon at Maison Rouge
Coming up at the Maison Rouge later this month is the first major international exhibition of neon art, from the 1950s to the present day. As early as the 1930s, Moholy-Nagy was predicting that it would not be long before the ‘field of expression’ formed by night-time city lights found ‘its own artists’. About 100 works will be presented in the exhibition, many of historical significance, many being shown for the first time. They will include pieces by such pioneers as Lucio Fontana from the early 1950s, François Morellet, Bruce Nauman, Stephen Antonakos, Joseph Kosuth and Mario Merz from the 1960s, and some of the many contemporary artists working in this medium today, such as Jason Rhoades, Sylvie Fleury and Claude Lévêque. Néon invites its public to follow and explore this simple line as it curves its way along innumerable winding, shining paths.
Fri 17 Feb-20 May. Wed-Sun 11am-7pm (Thu 11am-9pm).
Maison Rouge, 10 bd de la Bastille, 12th. M° Quai de la Rapée. www.lamaisonrouge.org/
Claude Lévêque, Rêvez !, 2008 — Courtesy the artist & Kamel Mennour, Paris