PHOTO: Jane Evelyn Atwood at the MEP
New York born, but living in Paris since the early 70s, Jane Evelyn Atwood has built a photographic career by turning her unflinching, empathetic gaze on subjects we usually prefer to ignore: prostitutes, blind children, refugees, victims of AIDS or landmines, women in prison… This, her first retrospective, starts with her early work, dating from 1976, documenting the life of prostitutes on the Rue des Lombards, to more recent projects including a visit to Haiti following the tropical hurricane of 2004. Also worth noting: the photographer will give a personal tour of the exhibition on Thu 8 Sep, 6pm (by reservation: 01 44 78 75 30 or
Until 25 Sep.
Maison Européenne de la Photographie, 7 rue de Fourcy, 4th. M° St-Paul.