ART: Jack Pierson at Thaddeaus Ropac
“Certain words aren’t good when you describe an artwork – like ’sentimental’, ‘romantic’, ‘poetic’ and ‘pretty’. But those are my favourite qualities of anything.” says Jack Pierson, at Ropac for his fifth solo show. The American artist is one of the ‘Boston Five’, a group of photographers who met in art school in the 70s (David Armstrong, Nan Goldin, Mark Morrisoe , and Philip-Lorca DiCorcia). His practice embodies an array of media spanning from wall-drawings, word-pieces, installations, drawings, paintings and photographs. Pierson is a sort of archaeologist of life, past and present, in which every one of his works tells a story of love, desire, loss, hope and loneliness.
Until 30 July.
7 rue Debelleyme, 3rd.