Aaron Young at Galerie Almine Rech
Hyped New-York based artist Aaron Young is currently showing ALWAYS FOREVER NOW at the Galerie Almine Rech. A collection of new paintings, sculpture and video interrogates American identity and what it means to be an American artist today. To quote the artist: “I always liked the saying ‘Walk softly and carry a big stick.’ It has a nice balance. If I were to name a few things I want out of an artwork they would be aggressive in action, poetic in rythm, realistic in scale, seductive in intellect and sinister in timing. Also, better if you have to use a hammer!”
Until 22 Dec. Tue-Sat, 11am-7pm.
Galerie Almine Rech, 19 rue de Saintonge, 3rd. M° St-Sébastien Froissart. www.galeriealminerech.com/
Aaron Young, Untitled, 2011. Oil on linen. Courtesy Galerie Almine Rech, ©Aaron Young