Tjukurrtjanu at Quai Branly
Currently showing at the Musée du Quai Branly is this journey through an indigenous Australian artistic movement, beginning in the 1970s in the Central Australian Desert. By transposing to recycled wooden panels the motifs employed in ephemeral ritual paintings, the aboriginal artists of Papunya created an astonishingly inventive formal art, saturated with meaning. These works change the manner of understanding the territory and conceiving the history of Australian art. ‘Luminous,’ another exhibition being held at the nearby Australian Embassy (4 rue Jean Rey, 15th, until 6 May 2013), is designed to illustrate how the early painting movement from the 1970s has developed into one of the most significant contemporary art movements of the late 20th century.
Until 20 Jan. 11am-7pm (9pm Thu, Fri, Sat). Closed Mon.
Musée du Quai Branly, 37 quai Branly, portail Debilly, 7th. M° Pont de l’Alma.