One of 2012’s most critically acclaimed films hits French screens today. Centered around the United States government’s hunt for Osama Bin Laden, Zero Dark Thirty is a technical, bureaucratic drama that never shies away from controversy with its brutal depictions of the torture techniques and violence employed by the United States in their search. Boasting a Golden Globe-winning performance from Jessica Chastain, and the Oscar-winning team of director Kathryn Bigelow and writer-producer Mark Boal (The Hurt Locker), the film expertly guides its audience through the winding series of twists and turns that took place behind the political curtain, and on the battlefield, during this decade-long chase. Both an awards darling, and a moral quandary, Zero Dark Thirty is a must-see. Also coming to theaters this week: the indie black comedy Malcolm (Charm), stars Ashley Cahill – directing and acting in his first feature film – as a disillusioned New Yorker with a murderous mean streak. Also playing is Somebody Up There Likes Me: a low-budget satire focused on the inevitability of human vice that features Nick Offerman (Parks & Recreation) as a chain-smoking guru of sorts, with direction from Bob Byington (Harmony and Me).